Mark’s currently rehabilitating Big Waver Rider and 10x Molokai champion, Jamie Mitchell (@jamie_mitcho). Appreciate the comments and praise below, from Instagram – thanks Jamie
The worlds worst spectator ? ? Jamie bolted over from Hawaii 10 days ago and surfed #cowbombie all by himself for 4 hours getting some solid 40 foot drops and getting some smokin waves, every hour a REAL ???? would come. This bomb set won, and @jamie_mitcho copped the heaviest wipe out of his life, and spent the week in Sydney getting some great help with Grade 2 tears in a knee and elbow and pretty much every other organ internally still in shock. He made it up to watch the Team at the @nutrigrainau trials over the weekend looking and feeling a lot older then he is, and frothing to go chase the Hawaiian Winter #restup #jmpaddleboards #waterman @advanztherapies #markstheman
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